Financial News

Got a tip?

If you want to provide news tips to Financial News, there are several ways to do so. It is still possible for tipsters to reach out directly to our reporters by phone or email if they feel comfortable doing so. The tools outlined below can help you communicate more securely, though no strategy is foolproof.

Keep in mind: the most useful news tips are detailed, provide some documentation and suggest names of people FN might contact to verify the information.

If you want a reply from someone at FN, please select a secure way to do so from the choices below. Messages will be checked on a regular basis but replies could be delayed. Please note that FN may not respond to all messages. Use these tools at your own risk and after reviewing the terms and instructions provided by the app developers.

Traditional Mail

Send us a letter or a parcel, addressed:

Shruti Tripathi Chopra Editor
Financial News
The News Building
1 London Bridge Street
London, SE1 9GF

For greater anonymity, don’t put a return address on the outside of the envelope. Instead, consider putting your return address inside the envelope or providing a Signal phone number for us to contact you.

Encrypted Email

You can contact several of our reporters via encrypted email. Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is an encryption software available as a client software or a browser extension such as Mailvelope (available for Chrome and Firefox) which makes it easy to use with most email accounts. Mailvelope and other extensions will encrypt the contents of the email, but it will not encrypt the metadata, including the sender, recipient, subject and when the email was sent.

Download Mailvelope on Chrome or Firefox

After you set it up, contact any of the following FN reporters via email using their PGP fingerprints:

Shruti Tripathi Chopra Editor
PGP Public Key

Penny Sukhraj Online News Editor
PGP Public Key


Signal is a free app that allows users to call and message one another in an encrypted environment. The app can be used to make phone calls and send text messages. Users can also exchange files, such as photos and PDFs.

Signal’s developer has posted extensive details about how it responds to requests from the US government at Signal says it collects very little about its users. Information on who users contact and what they discuss are not stored by the app’s developers, and messages exchanged within the app can be set to automatically “disappear” (think self-destruct), erasing all evidence of the interaction.

How to use Signal

Signal is available for Android and iOS.

After installing the app, you can contact FN at this number +44 7789 032647

After you’ve installed Signal on your mobile device, you can install the desktop version, which allows you to chat from your computer.